Tuesday, May 21, 2013

2013 Spring Field Survey at Steege Hill Nature Preserve

As we have done in the past, we held our semesterly field survey, on April 28th. We teamed up with the Finger Lakes Land Trust to do a survey of one of their properties, to see what kinds of herpetofauna they had as well as the relative abundance. This year we went to Steege Hill, located in Big Flats (near Corning). Steege Hill is known for having a variety of herps on it, including New Yorks only native lizard: the northern coal skink (Plestiodon antrhacinus anthracinus), as well as the infamous timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus).

Our group this year was very large, consisting of over 30 members (ranging from students, faculty, alumni, community members, and children). However, the big size made the survey even more thorough, where more rocks and logs were flipped over (and put back where they were found). As a result, we had found quite a few animals.

A shot of most of the group, gathering around at our first location to learn about ants...? (Find out more below)
Photo Courtesy of Brian Worthington

This huge mound is home to Allegheny mound ants (Formica exsectoides). Something to note, besides the size of the structure, these ants will also inject formic acid into woody plants around them to prevent plants from shading the mound.
Photo Courtesy of Sophie Liu

As happened in the past, our most abundant find were of redback salamanders (Plethodon cinereus). It wasn't unheard
 of to find several of these aptly named salamanders under one rock or log.Photo Courtesy of Brian Worthington

This is also a redback salamander (P. cinereus), however it is going through a phase which we call the Leadback, due to the dominant dark pigmentation.
Photo Courtesy of Graham Montgomery

There were a ton of tiny tadpoles swimming about in ponds and vernal pools,
it is difficult to identify them, but speculation was that they may have been 
from wood frogs (Rana sylvatica)
Photo Courtesy of Sophie Liu    

A northern redbelly snake (Storeria o. occipitomaculata), demonstrating how it was given its common name. However, the bright underbelly was not very helpful in spotting these little guys crawling through the leaf litter.
Photo Courtesy of Brian Magnier

Eastern garter snake (Thamnophis s. sirtalis), the photo shows the forked tongues that all snakes have (as well as some lizards and amphisbaenians). They work by gathering particles, which are then analyzed, and the forking allows for the snake to get a relative direction of the scent to follow (if prey) or flee (if predator).
Photo Courtesy of Brian Magnier

Another eastern garter snake (T. s. sirtalis), very common snakes throughout the area (and the species is found throughout the United States). Although they are not likely to bite when picked up, they do have the ability to produce a potent (and not pleasant) musk.
Photo Courtesy of Brian Worthington

Mountain dusky salamander (Desmognathus ochrophaeus), another relatively common salamander of the area. This is a plethodontid salamander, as shown by the nasolabial groove (line from nostril to lip), which is one of their key features.
Photo Courtesy of Brian Magnier

This adorable salamandrid is a red eft (Notophthalmus viridescens), which is the terrestrial, juvenile phase of the Eastern red-spotted newt. These guys have bright coloration, termed aposematic, as a warning to indicate that they are toxic (and to note, all newts [family: Salamandridae] are toxic).
Photo Courtesy of Brian Magnier

This is the highly elusive spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum), these salamanders spend the bulk of the year hidden away. The main exception to this is during the breeding season (see our previous post for more details).
Photo Courtesy of Brian Worthington

We took a quick stop in this area to search under some rocks, because we were told that this was a prime location for northern coal skinks (P. a. anthracinus).
Photo Courtesy of Sophie Liu

Our search for the northern coal skink (P. a. antracinus) was successful! Albeit, these feisty little lizards were quick to nip, and incredibly speedy which made them hard to find and catch. When young these lizards have a blue tail.
Photo Courtesy of Brian Worthington

This tiny herp is a ring-necked snake (Diadophis punctatus), which was a great find. 
And, as you can see, they are another of the appropriately named snakes.
Photo Courtesy of Betsy Darlington

An american toad (Anaxyrus americanus), and as with all true toads [Family: Bufonidae], they can produce poison through their paratoid glands (what most would call 'warts') when stressed.
Photo Courtesy of Brian Worthington

Correct, this is not a herp. Rather, it is a large North American millipede (Narceus americanus). Unlike most other millipedes, they do not secrete a cyanide substance, however the substance they release can temporarily discolor skin.
Photo Courtesy of Graham Montgomery

This time of year, we also see the emergence of flowers, 
like this round-lobed hepatica (Hepatica americana).
Photo Courtesy of Audrey Bowe

Our survey was great fun, we had seen a wonderful diversity of herps as well as other flora and fauna (although we did not encounter a timber rattlesnake). See below for the diversity and finalized counts of the herps we found.

Final species count:

Redback salamanders, Phethodon cinereus: 57
     [In leadback phase: 6]
Mountain dusky salamanders, Desmognathus ochrophaeus: 7
Redbelly snakes, Storeria o. occipitomaculata: 6
Garter snakes, Thamnophis s. sirtalis: 5
Coal skinks, Plestiodon anthracinus: 5
Red efts, Notophthalmus viridescens: 2
Spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum: 1
Spring peeper, Pseudacris crucifer: 1
American toad, Anaxyrus americanus: 1
Ring-necked snake, Diadophis punctatus: 1

(Plus a bunch of Tadpoles and Eastern Red Spotted Newts [N. viridescens] in the water)

Post by Joey Chase

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Salamander Migrations, 2013

                  As in the past, the Herpetological Society did rounds to catch the salamander migrations at Bull Pasture Pond. Our visits spanned for about a month long period, with the earliest salamanders arriving in mid-March and the last stragglers leaving the ponds in mid-April. The 'boom' in the migration occurred on March 31st this year, with over 100 individuals seen during that night.

                   For those who have not heard of the salamander migration, it is a unique time of year. During this small segment of time our local species of Ambystomatids (Spotted and Jefferson salamanders) come out to breed. These animals are rarely seen at other times of the year due to their secretive lifestyles. However, when spring approaches, the ground warms up, and the first warm rain hits us, these elusive animals get out of hiding and head for the ponds. The catch being that they travel only at night (traveling during the day can be hazardous to amphibians because of the moisture requirements of their skin), so in order to spot them you need to be nocturnal as well. But it is well worth it once you see these local salamander giants walking in full force.

                    Bull Pasture Pond is a particularly unique area, in that it has a contrast between natural woodland and fully groomed golf course. The salamanders in order to make it to the pond must cross an expanse of golf green (around 50m, but to a 20cm animal that must be a daunting amount), exposing them to risk from predation and environmental harm. So, why would they choose this pond? They have internal navigation that directs them back to the pond they were born in, so that they may return to breed there year after year.

                      This year, some members of the club visited the pond for several nights during the breeding period, in order to catch the breeding season. The two species of salamanders came out during different times, where the Jefferson salamander (Ambystoma jeffersonianum) was the first out, followed soon after by the Spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum). When more and more people started watching the migration we also took to assisting the animals cross the road to reduce the number of unfortunate road fatalities. During these visits we chanced upon a surprising variety of herpetofauna coming out of their Winter dormancy.

One of first Spotted salamanders (A. maculatum) of the season, when it was still quite cold.
Photo Courtesy of Brian Worthington

Snow was falling but these salamanders were still on the move
Photo Courtesy of Brian Magnier

An early Jefferson salamander (A. jeffersonianum). Notice they are not solid gray, but are decorated with bluish-gray speckles.Photo Courtesy of Brian Worthington

An Eastern Red-Spotted Newt (Notopthalmus viridescens), the highly aquatic adult form. We most commonly see these in the juvenile form, which we call Red Efts
Photo Courtesy of Audrey Bowe

This Painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) was a surprising find, because it was so cold and early in the season... 
Photo Courtesy of Brian Magnier

This Leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens). Although the hazed over eyes might have made you think otherwise (and if you were there you would have not seen it move either), it was still alive and may have just gotten out of hibernation too early.
Photo Courtesy of Brian Magnier

We found many pools like this one, filled with Spotted salamanders.
Photo Courtesy of Brian Worthington

Spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer). These little guys went from the occasional peep one night to filling the air with thousands of peeps the next night.
Photo Courtesy of Brian Worthington

More Spotted (A. maculatum) possibly in courtship. The white specks in the upper right corner are spermatophores, which are sperm packets that the males attach to sticks, rocks, etc. The female will walk over one of them and pick it up with her cloaca to fertilize her eggs, a very interesting process!
Photo Courtesy of Brian Worthington

Spotted salamander, just to show how sizable these amphibians are. They can get up to 10 inches long.
Photo Courtesy of Audrey Bowe

This photo captures the process of the migration quite well: salamanders (like this Jefferson) walking with a purpose, and us taking pictures of their journey
Photo Courtesy of Audrey Bowe

It was yet another fun and successful migration!

Post by Joey Chase